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OCR Services

OCR Services

A short for optical Character Recognition, OCR is a revolutionary technology that has made digital transformation easier than ever. We, at SGT Cloud Solution, provide leading OCR services with expertise from India. Our company has state-of-art settings to transform a paper-bound version or image files like PDFs, PNGs or JPEGs into a text or word file. With it, you can have an editable copy of a database. You may analyse and use for strategy or decision making for defining business transition. It eventually delivers a higher return and better corporate experience. Our outsourcing services from India help in getting digital versions of vital data. You can use that information in future-rising technologies like Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

This technology is really effective in getting the entire database into digital, which defines its accessibility remotely. Even, you can edit and refine it your own way afterwards. We do it in a quick turnaround time. This practice saves many hours that you might be spending on managing hard copies manually.

It’s really hard to scan, extract, load, cleanse and maintain confidentiality of data. We’re an expert and experienced. Our experts come across all these complexities through a well-defined workflow. This system carries out step-by-step conversion procedure with tools.

Our developers and data scientists codify and follow the entire procedure under an expert’s supervision. This is how we customize requirements. Auditing defines the last step for delivering quality in work. It assures that you got exactly what you have requested for.

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